Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chapter 2 Brave New World; Literary Term in use: ALLITERATION

"Shriller and ever shriller, a siren shrieked" (page 21).

Personally, I love the way that Aldous Huxley incorporates alliteration into this book. Yes, his writing style is confusing beyond belief, but the way that he phrases things and writes with words with similar consonants and how they all flow together in unison is quite intriguing. All these "s" sounds in this phrase just truly struck out to me. He just incorporates phrases that have a punch due to the similar sounds and phrases, and as a lyricist, I personally found beauty in the way the words were twisted together.

But as crafty as Huxley is, his writing style is just incredibly annoying. I just have no idea what is going on! And who is this "Ford" person they all keep referring to? What the heck? And they're giving babies electric shock? What kind of immoral place is this?! The world today stresses the importance of individuality, but this "institution" or "asylum" that this clones are at are trying to have them develop with forced likes and interests! Excuse me, but I choosing for these babies the places they're going to live when they're out on their own is just SO messed up! Maybe that's part of the point of the book, but I hate this extreme society. I just want everything to go back to normal! And I hope that our world never gets to this point because these people are basically playing God's role. They're deciding the clones' personalities, and they're forcing births instead of God gracing a couple with a child. It's so messed up. But, in a sense, today's world does this with invetro fertilization and surrogate mothers, but still. I want things to go back to normal, and I really have a dislike for this messed up society of "children."

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