Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chapter 9 Brave New World; Thoughts so far..........

"There, on a low bed, the sheet flung back, dressed in a pair of pink one-piece zippyjamas, lay Lenina, fast asleep and so beautiful in the midst of her curls, so touchingly childish with her pink toes and her grave sleeping face, so trustful in the helplessness of her limp hands and melted limbs, that the tears came to his eyes" (page 143).

I am so captivated at the sense that the world is so mesmerized by beauty. Think about it. Beauty, love, and money seem to make the world go around. People do anything to attain beauty. Thousands of girls struggle with bulimia, anorexia, and so much more. For this novel, John's first glimpse of beauty was when he saw Lenina. He just was so captivated and awestruck by her beauty. But then it became lustful and he had to hold himself back. Why is it that this is a common theme in today's society? Why are women raped all the time? Because people are greedy, and they want things for themselves. God has given us so much beauty, and so many times we destroy it. Oil spills in the ocean, forests being destroyed, animals becoming extinct.... Seriously, the list goes on and on. Why? Because people don't know how to handle beauty, and they tear it to shreds. This is a common theme in society itself. Think about how common obesity is in today's world. God has blessed us with the bodies he has given us, and we throw it all away when we stuff ourselves with food. We tear apart the beauty of the world. I can seriously list off a thousand things in a sense of how we destroy beauty, but the number one thing I can think of is rape. When I think about rape, I think about the book Speak, which has forever left it's mark on my mind. But I cannot put the book into words. I have tried to explain the book to people, but it just doesn't do it justice. When I read this quote: "Then suddenly he found himself reflecting that he had only to take hold of the zipper at her neck and give one long, strong pull... He shut his eyes, he shook his head with the gesture of a dog shaking its ears as it emerges from the water. Detestable thought! He was ashamed of himself. Pure and vestal modesty....." (page 145), all I could think of was temptations. Sometimes, we let ourselves give in to temptations, which not only hurts ourselves but others as well. The best way to tie this all in is a movie clip. Watch it. It will make sense with everything I am talking about.


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